Monday, October 20, 2008

Powell Helps Obama

This past Sunday on Meet The Press, retired general and former Secretary of State, Colin Powell, came out of the political shadows and endorsed Senator Barack Obama. This endorsement, unlike many others, is actually important.

One of the key arguments which McCain poses towards Obama is that he is weak when it comes to national security. And since Powell is a highly respected Republican and former decorated general and Secretary of State, if McCain now tries to question Obama on national security he will in turn be questioning Powell as well.

This, essentially, takes away one of McCain's biggest arguments, and also will help sway those undecided votes who also questioned Obama's strength on national security.

On behalf of all Obama supporters....I thank you Gen. Powell.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Some Fucking Idiot On Youtube

This is a message sent to me by dirtyrob....

you are a dumb dont have a brother in Iraq who disagrees with the great video made by one of our countries bravest. Nothing but a typical LIBERAL LIE to attempt to wash away the truth. Even if your brother is in Iraq, he is in a definite minority. In a recent poll, it was shown that 89.8% of former active duty military who served in Iraq, still support the cause. You cock sucking libs are always for helping others out and being humanitarians, but when the Republicans make a decision to be humanitarians, you shit dicks twist things around and turn a positive act into a lie. You are one of those dumb asses who is trying to blame our economy on Bush. Many people, John McCain included warned of the forth coming crisis. Clinton was told that his decision to GIVE loans to undeserving LAZY ASS non working good for nothing losers would be great for the economy on a short term basis, but would eventually lead to a crisis due to these idiots inability to afford the ARM loans once their rates began to increase. But your head is so far up your ass, even if you did get it out, you would still be confused due to all the shit in your ears that you have allowed to go to your brain. Bush is partially to blame simply because he was not forceful enough in th 17 times who approached Congress about the which all 17 times, congress denied the problem and refused to make the corrections he suggested. So, go ahead, believe your parties BABY KILLING, GIVING MONEY TO THE LAZY NON WORKING, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT SUPPORTING, HOMOSEXUAL PROMOTING ass monkeys. (btw, you look like you might be gay, so i hope this offends your peter puffing ass). Use common sense, the PLUMBING DONT WORK!!! Its dumb asses like you who are ruining our country and making other countries laugh at us. Why would a country who absolutely HATES us, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, just to name a few, want whats best for us. They all support Barack, because they know if we get him in office, they can benefit from it. They would love more than anything to see out country destroyed, and they KNOW Barack is the man who will destroy iy.

This was my response...

Re: Typical Liberal ass hole
Re: Typical Liberal ass hole
Hahaha, wow, I see you have a colorful vocabulary...I am guessing you didn't learn that in an institution of higher learning. Let me just start by saying, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? You are supporting a candidate who is making the suggestion to tax your employer for healthcare (something which has never been done before), and then he is going to cover it up with a blown up tax credit.

Then you have the Bush Tax Cuts, which give money to the wealthiest 1%, that John McCain is going to be continuing...I can definitely see why you like him so much. Conservatives want to make the poor poorer, and the rich more wealthy. It is an unAmerican belief that people don't deserve the right to pursuit of happiness.

And then you have your insults. You call liberals "baby killers", "homosexual promoters", etc...Just because someone believes women to have the choice whether or not to have a child. And "homosexual promoter"....really. Are you that ignorant? And that is an honest question, how could you be so narrow minded as to actually believe that something like the promotion of rights for homosexuals is a bad thing? After that, pretty much everything you say is null and void.

Oh, and do you honestly think if John McCain (your presidential nominee of choice) saw this message that he would You are the kind of person who gives America a bad name.

P.S. And my brother is a veteran and he deserves your respect. He has been over there and he understands that Iraq was, and still is, a mistake.