Saturday, September 27, 2008

The First Presidential debate

So, in case you haven't heard....Obama fucking killed the debate. For those of you who didn't attend the ISU Dems debate party, let me tell you how it went.

This topical debate was centered around foreign relations, however, in light of the current economic crisis, the moderator, Jim Leher, found room for some relevant economic questions(Obama ruled with poise over these questions.)

As the debate surged forward, what was suppossed to be McCain's shining night, turned out to be a rude awakening of his poor understanding of the issues and realistic solutions for them.

Signature McCain moves used throughout the night:

-The awkward smile
-The awkward laugh
-The irrelevant historical reference
-The "I can't raise my arms" shoulder shrug

One would think, naturally, that with moves like that you could not lose...but you can....and he did.

On an unfortunate note, CNN (my savior of network news programs) spun the debate to make it seem as if it was some sort of neck and neck fight. We heard things like "McCain held his own" and "McCain was on Offense"...I am not sure if we actually watched the same debate.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Palin's Interview

In her recent interview, conducted by Chalie Gibson, Palin put to rest any doubts...that she was the wrong person for the job.

Gibson asked Palin some top notch questions covering topics from the engery crisis to a prospective Israeli attack on Pakistan. Palin, without blinking, answered these question with the articulation of a senior in high school. I was blown away at the shallow, elementary answers given to some of Mr. Gibson questions. For intstance:

GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?
PALIN: In what respect, Charlie?
GIBSON: The Bush -- well, what do you -- what do you interpret it to be?
PALIN: His world view.
GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.
PALIN: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation.

This, of course, is just a small excerpt, but I assure you that a multitude of her answers were worded in similar fashion.

If Palin expects the American people to fall for her as a legitimate political figure...she better throw away the hockey stick and pick up a book and figure out what it is she actually wants to reform.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

LaDuca...what an idiot.

A colleague of mine recently brought the name Adam LaDuca to my attention.

In case you are unaware, Adam LaDuca is the former executive director of the Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans. I extenuate the word former, because it is a well deserved title.

Recently a committeeman out of Berks County, PA, ousted LaDuca for writing racial comments, directed at Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, on his Facebook in late July. (I will refrain from retyping his actual comments, but you can find them at the link below)

Now, obviously (if you have read the article) LaDuca's comments are extremely offensive, and clearly race related. What really gets me though, is when asked about the comments LaDuca responded, "It was just a dumb move on my part to make a statement like that public."

Without a second glance this may seem like a reasonable response, but notice that he says "make a statement like that public." No offense LaDuca (well...I take that back), but it is dumb to make a statement like that period. Unless I am mistaken, this is the 21st century, and we live in the US, one of the most diverse countries on the planet. Racism is an ideal of the past. Yes, it is true we still see racism today...but I would expect more out of a college student holding the position of executive director of the Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Journalistic and Political Gods

As I am sitting and waiting for Palin's big redemption speech, I have made the very final decision that John King, Wolf Blitzer (awesome name), and Anderson Cooper (the silver haired stallion) are the best political news team on TV.

...That is all.