Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin....Worst Choice Ever? (Palin accepting the offer)

Gov. Sarah Palin...don't be ashamed if you have never heard of Alaska's 2 year governor...she hasn't exactly done anything noteworthy.

Now sure, Palin is a devout conservative with strong pro-life and anti-gay beliefs...and she may help with gathering the female vote for McCain, but she also contradicts the argument McCain has placed against Obama.

Palin has been governor for two years, and before that she was mayor of Wassila, a small (but growing) town in Alaska. Palin lacks two key things which, accordig to McCain, a president NEED to have...general leadership experience and foriegn policy experience.

How is McCain going to explain his choice...he is trying to impliment a change campaign so he chose a women. That is fine, women should also be considered when selecting a vp (or even a president), but the bottom line is that they should still be qualified. Does McCain honestly think that Palin would be able to step in to office if need be?

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