Thursday, December 4, 2008
Richardson's Getting the Shaft
Under Clinton Richardson was the Secretary of Energy, a position which managed a $25 billion budget and 100,000 employees. With Richardson's new position, he will be working with a $6.5 billion budget and 28,000 employees...considerably less than his previous post and considerably less than he deserves, and is capable of.
As many were, I was excited at the prospect of this extremely well qualified governor becoming Obama's new Secretary of it turns out, that position is going to Hillary Clinton. This will hopefully prove to be a good appointment, and not Obama's first mistake.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Razia's Shadow. A Musical
Monday, October 20, 2008
Powell Helps Obama
One of the key arguments which McCain poses towards Obama is that he is weak when it comes to national security. And since Powell is a highly respected Republican and former decorated general and Secretary of State, if McCain now tries to question Obama on national security he will in turn be questioning Powell as well.
This, essentially, takes away one of McCain's biggest arguments, and also will help sway those undecided votes who also questioned Obama's strength on national security.
On behalf of all Obama supporters....I thank you Gen. Powell.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Some Fucking Idiot On Youtube
you are a dumb dont have a brother in Iraq who disagrees with the great video made by one of our countries bravest. Nothing but a typical LIBERAL LIE to attempt to wash away the truth. Even if your brother is in Iraq, he is in a definite minority. In a recent poll, it was shown that 89.8% of former active duty military who served in Iraq, still support the cause. You cock sucking libs are always for helping others out and being humanitarians, but when the Republicans make a decision to be humanitarians, you shit dicks twist things around and turn a positive act into a lie. You are one of those dumb asses who is trying to blame our economy on Bush. Many people, John McCain included warned of the forth coming crisis. Clinton was told that his decision to GIVE loans to undeserving LAZY ASS non working good for nothing losers would be great for the economy on a short term basis, but would eventually lead to a crisis due to these idiots inability to afford the ARM loans once their rates began to increase. But your head is so far up your ass, even if you did get it out, you would still be confused due to all the shit in your ears that you have allowed to go to your brain. Bush is partially to blame simply because he was not forceful enough in th 17 times who approached Congress about the which all 17 times, congress denied the problem and refused to make the corrections he suggested. So, go ahead, believe your parties BABY KILLING, GIVING MONEY TO THE LAZY NON WORKING, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT SUPPORTING, HOMOSEXUAL PROMOTING ass monkeys. (btw, you look like you might be gay, so i hope this offends your peter puffing ass). Use common sense, the PLUMBING DONT WORK!!! Its dumb asses like you who are ruining our country and making other countries laugh at us. Why would a country who absolutely HATES us, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, just to name a few, want whats best for us. They all support Barack, because they know if we get him in office, they can benefit from it. They would love more than anything to see out country destroyed, and they KNOW Barack is the man who will destroy iy.
This was my response...
Re: Typical Liberal ass hole
Re: Typical Liberal ass hole
Hahaha, wow, I see you have a colorful vocabulary...I am guessing you didn't learn that in an institution of higher learning. Let me just start by saying, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? You are supporting a candidate who is making the suggestion to tax your employer for healthcare (something which has never been done before), and then he is going to cover it up with a blown up tax credit.
Then you have the Bush Tax Cuts, which give money to the wealthiest 1%, that John McCain is going to be continuing...I can definitely see why you like him so much. Conservatives want to make the poor poorer, and the rich more wealthy. It is an unAmerican belief that people don't deserve the right to pursuit of happiness.
And then you have your insults. You call liberals "baby killers", "homosexual promoters", etc...Just because someone believes women to have the choice whether or not to have a child. And "homosexual promoter"....really. Are you that ignorant? And that is an honest question, how could you be so narrow minded as to actually believe that something like the promotion of rights for homosexuals is a bad thing? After that, pretty much everything you say is null and void.
Oh, and do you honestly think if John McCain (your presidential nominee of choice) saw this message that he would You are the kind of person who gives America a bad name.
P.S. And my brother is a veteran and he deserves your respect. He has been over there and he understands that Iraq was, and still is, a mistake.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The First Presidential debate
This topical debate was centered around foreign relations, however, in light of the current economic crisis, the moderator, Jim Leher, found room for some relevant economic questions(Obama ruled with poise over these questions.)
As the debate surged forward, what was suppossed to be McCain's shining night, turned out to be a rude awakening of his poor understanding of the issues and realistic solutions for them.
Signature McCain moves used throughout the night:
-The awkward smile
-The awkward laugh
-The irrelevant historical reference
-The "I can't raise my arms" shoulder shrug
One would think, naturally, that with moves like that you could not lose...but you can....and he did.
On an unfortunate note, CNN (my savior of network news programs) spun the debate to make it seem as if it was some sort of neck and neck fight. We heard things like "McCain held his own" and "McCain was on Offense"...I am not sure if we actually watched the same debate.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Palin's Interview
Gibson asked Palin some top notch questions covering topics from the engery crisis to a prospective Israeli attack on Pakistan. Palin, without blinking, answered these question with the articulation of a senior in high school. I was blown away at the shallow, elementary answers given to some of Mr. Gibson questions. For intstance:
GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?
PALIN: In what respect, Charlie?
GIBSON: The Bush -- well, what do you -- what do you interpret it to be?
PALIN: His world view.
GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.
PALIN: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation.
This, of course, is just a small excerpt, but I assure you that a multitude of her answers were worded in similar fashion.
If Palin expects the American people to fall for her as a legitimate political figure...she better throw away the hockey stick and pick up a book and figure out what it is she actually wants to reform.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
LaDuca...what an idiot.
In case you are unaware, Adam LaDuca is the former executive director of the Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans. I extenuate the word former, because it is a well deserved title.
Recently a committeeman out of Berks County, PA, ousted LaDuca for writing racial comments, directed at Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, on his Facebook in late July. (I will refrain from retyping his actual comments, but you can find them at the link below)
Now, obviously (if you have read the article) LaDuca's comments are extremely offensive, and clearly race related. What really gets me though, is when asked about the comments LaDuca responded, "It was just a dumb move on my part to make a statement like that public."
Without a second glance this may seem like a reasonable response, but notice that he says "make a statement like that public." No offense LaDuca (well...I take that back), but it is dumb to make a statement like that period. Unless I am mistaken, this is the 21st century, and we live in the US, one of the most diverse countries on the planet. Racism is an ideal of the past. Yes, it is true we still see racism today...but I would expect more out of a college student holding the position of executive director of the Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Journalistic and Political Gods
...That is all.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Interesting Article
Friday, August 29, 2008
Palin....Worst Choice Ever? (Palin accepting the offer)
Gov. Sarah Palin...don't be ashamed if you have never heard of Alaska's 2 year governor...she hasn't exactly done anything noteworthy.
Now sure, Palin is a devout conservative with strong pro-life and anti-gay beliefs...and she may help with gathering the female vote for McCain, but she also contradicts the argument McCain has placed against Obama.
Palin has been governor for two years, and before that she was mayor of Wassila, a small (but growing) town in Alaska. Palin lacks two key things which, accordig to McCain, a president NEED to have...general leadership experience and foriegn policy experience.
How is McCain going to explain his choice...he is trying to impliment a change campaign so he chose a women. That is fine, women should also be considered when selecting a vp (or even a president), but the bottom line is that they should still be qualified. Does McCain honestly think that Palin would be able to step in to office if need be?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A Turn From The Norm
Now, most of you are probably wondering to yourself, why would he want to write about Olive Garden. Olive Garden, the perfect little slice of pseudo Italian food with just a little pinch of heaven. Well, let me tell you why....its new pasta combinations commercial.
I have been brooding over this commercial for days.
So, just in case you haven't seen this little gem, let me explain it to you:
Imagine an Olive Garden restaurant, you see a table full of enthusiastic young people discussing Olive Garden's new pasta combinations. One of the young men at the table starts to explain the math behind trying ever single combination, while he is explaining this one of his, or presumed to be, male friends interrupts and says, "while you do the math, I'm doing the Alfredo." Of course, after hearing this hilarious and ingenious quip the table burst into laughter. As the commercial comes to a close, the young lady sitting next to the math-man makes another hilarious joke..."this math tastes delicious", once again this is followed by uncontrollable laughter. It is then that the commercial is ended.
WHAT THE F&*(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I am the only one, but those insanely corny, not clever jokes drive me insane! Why do they laugh, are those the jokes which would be told in an actual setting, and if so, what sort of half witted person would laugh at them?..Olive Garden, please stop, you're driving me INSANE!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The DNC (Kennedy, Michelle, and where the hell is John McCain!?)
Kennedy's speech, which followed his deserved tribute video, focused on essentialy why Obama was the correct choice for president. And even though Kennedy has been struggling with brain cancer his speech was still emotional and powerful.
Soon after Kennedy had concluded, Michelle Obama took the stage. I was nearly at the edge of my seat with anticipation of what she would say. See, Michelle Obama has been criticized throughout the campaign for being more of a drag than a help on Barack's campaign because of some of the less than popular, and some would argue, less the patriotic things she has said. Fortunately, I was wrong...Michelle's speech seemed nearly flawless; it was well spoken and very emotional. I am excited to see how the political right will talk of this speech.
On the other side of the spectrum...WHERE THE HELL IS JOHN MCCAIN!?!

The last thing I heard on McCain was that he was being insulted by Madonna, and then his campaign released an ad, again playing off of Obama's "celebrity status".
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Up with Biden, Down with Bower
So, no surprise, Obama chose Biden as his running mate. What is a surprise though, is that I hate Will Bower!
For those of you who don't know Will Bower, let me explain him for you. Will Bower is a rectal wart on the anus of the Democratic Party, he is also the spokesman for an even bigger rectal wart known as PUMA (Party Unity My Ass, poetic isn't it).
PUMA is an organization of frustrated Clinton followers who seem to despise Obama, for little to no substantial reason(s). I was recently watching an interview on FOX News with Bower when I found my jaw dropping several times. One particular time was due to Bower, obviously a political genius, claiming that if Obama was elected he would be a third term extension of the Bush Administration. I just have one question for Bower...Are you F(*&ING KIDDING ME!!!!???
Do everyone a favor Bower...go back to your mother's basement, presumably the HQ of PUMA, and KILL YOURSELF!!!!!....(and by "kill yourself", I mean stop protesting Obama)
Side Note: I am not one of those voters who strictly votes Democratic just because...I would like to say that I vote for who I think is the best candidate.
Friday, August 22, 2008
VP Buzz
Biden is a veteran senator, and politician, who can bring many good things to the table for Obama. He is, as mentioned in the previous sentence, is a political veteran, he is very outspoken about the environment and causes like new energies, he is also a veteran in foreign affairs, and (something you probably didn't know) he often wins elections with 60%+ of the vote.
With Biden's credentials it seems like a clear cut case; however, there are also some negatives that may come along with picking Joe Biden as VP.
See, one of Obama's campaign problems now is regaining the territory he lost to Clinton supporters. He needs to find away to regain the demographic which Clinton had made ground with. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that Biden will get Obama many votes that he doesn't already have...their key demographics are similar. Also, to add another stain to the resume, Biden is seen as a very insider politician. Given that Obama's platform is change (a new type of politics), Biden could potentially tarnish this message. And lastly, Biden did not do so hot in the presidential primaries, this could show a lack of support for Biden from the voters.
Biden is indeed a qualified VP candidate...the question remains though, will he be enough to defeat the McCain campaign...probably.
And now, for what you have all been waiting for...MY...VP....PICK.....(Very Loud Drum Roll).............................BILL RICHARDSON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Georgia vs. Darfur
My concern with this situation is the effect which it has had on the international community. In a conflict in which the death toll is, as the LA Times reports, approximately 1,500, it has received a serious amount of press and international involvement. I would honestly be flabbergasted if this conflict lasted more than 3 months.
Then you have the conflict/genocide in Darfur. A conflict in which the death toll is, as reported by, upwards of 300,000; the number of people displaced is in the millions. This is a disaster which, as of late, has received, what I would consider, very little American media coverage. Sure, the situation is mention in passing on network news stations, but nothing substantial is really done. So, why is it that there is an uproar when a small country is invaded by a larger one under circumstances which are...arguably legitimate; and when mass killings take place in an obscure corner of Africa all we hear is rhetoric and see no action.
I will tell you why...Georgia is a major intersection of oil (Caspian Oil Pipeline) and has a democratic government. The Bush administration has proven that it cares for three things...government affiliation, natural resources, and trade relations...sometimes one trumps the other. It is not that these are bad things to be concerned about, I would just simply argue that a country's foreign policy should also be concerned (actually concerned) with human rights.
I am not trying to say that what is happening in Georgia is not a travesty...I am simply saying that a more serious human rights situation has been happening for years with little intervention from the US government, and even less of an uproar from us, US citizens (or maybe better citizens.) The government is an extremity of the people and as long as the people are willing to speak up, the government must bend to their will (assuming the government remains a democracy.) So, speak up....write a letter....start a blog, but whatever you do, make sure you do it quickly before the Darfur genocide is ended by someone else....the Sudanese government.
Ripping Off Ideas
Unfortunately for me I am not chronicling a trip overseas, but instead writing down my kick ass thoughts on things like politics, pop culture, etc...
Posts will be up in the meantime....
Oh, and to visit my friends blog got to