Friday, August 22, 2008

VP Buzz

So, word on the political street is that come Saturday...we will know Obama's running mate. It seems that everyone is fairly confident that Obama's VP pick is going to be none other than...(slight drum roll)...Joe Biden, a smart and safe pick.

Biden is a veteran senator, and politician, who can bring many good things to the table for Obama. He is, as mentioned in the previous sentence, is a political veteran, he is very outspoken about the environment and causes like new energies, he is also a veteran in foreign affairs, and (something you probably didn't know) he often wins elections with 60%+ of the vote.

With Biden's credentials it seems like a clear cut case; however, there are also some negatives that may come along with picking Joe Biden as VP.

See, one of Obama's campaign problems now is regaining the territory he lost to Clinton supporters. He needs to find away to regain the demographic which Clinton had made ground with. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that Biden will get Obama many votes that he doesn't already have...their key demographics are similar. Also, to add another stain to the resume, Biden is seen as a very insider politician. Given that Obama's platform is change (a new type of politics), Biden could potentially tarnish this message. And lastly, Biden did not do so hot in the presidential primaries, this could show a lack of support for Biden from the voters.

Biden is indeed a qualified VP candidate...the question remains though, will he be enough to defeat the McCain campaign...probably.

And now, for what you have all been waiting for...MY...VP....PICK.....(Very Loud Drum Roll).............................BILL RICHARDSON!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

KAYCIE said...

your blog is coming along masterly!